Mission Partners
Australia Tax Receipts Only
We ask that our Australian Donors give through Defender of the Fatherless.
Please note that at this time, Tax-Deductible Receipts cannot yet be given for Australian donations to DOTF. We are working on this!
You Can Make A Difference
At Gentle Hands we are able to fulfill our mission through generous and faithful supporters like you. Your charitable donation helps us provide a safe, happy and healthy Christ-centered home for babies and children of the Philippines who might be otherwise left on the street hungry and alone without a supportive and guiding hand. Through your donation you are able to contribute to the fundamental needs of a child, specifically in the area of nutrition, education and medical programs.
Building Towards Tomorrow
Your tax-deductible donation keeps Gentle Hands open to the desperate needs of these babies and children and helps to continue the work of rescuing, feeding, loving, and educating the Philippines most vulnerable victims. You are vital in contributing to the future of every child in our care.
Consider A Monthly Donation
Monthly gifts are extremely impactful. They sustain our day-to-day operations and provide stability in the lives of every child at Gentle Hands.
Defender of the Fatherless assists in the rescue and healing of marginalized children in crisis by financially supporting Gentle Hands in Manila.